Word | Meaning |
Hastula | A flat often triangular expansion at the upper surface of the petiole of a palm leaf where it joins the blade. |
Herb | A general term including all non-woody plants. |
Herbaceous | A plant comprised primarily of soft, green tissue. |
Herkogamy | Separation in space between stigma(s) and anthers. |
Hermaphrodite | A synonym of bisexual. A flower that has both male, pollen-producing parts (staminate) and female, ovule-producing parts (carpellate). |
herringbone | Leaf side veins prominent, closely spaced, straight and parallel. |
Heterostylic | Differing stamen and pistil lengths in the same species to prevent self-pollination. |
Heterostylous | Having differing stamen and pistil lengths in the same species to prevent self-pollination. |
Hilar | Scars on seeds where they were attached to the stalk, or where they separated from its funicle or placenta. |
Hilum | The scar on a seed where it was attached to the stalk, or where it separated from its funicle or placenta. |
Hirsute | With hairs that are somewhat course and stiff. |
Hirtellous | Slightly hirsute. |
Hispid | Covered with stiff hairs or bristles. |
Hispidulous | Having a covering of stiff hairs or bristles. |
Hormone | Organic substances in very low concentrations that the plant transports to sites where the hormones control growth, development processes and a range of other functions. |
Hyaline | Almost transparent. |
Hybrid | A plant that is the product of cross-breeding between two closely related species. |
Hypanthium | A cuplike or tubular structure, around or atop the ovary, bearing along its margin the sepals, petals, and stamens. |
Hyphodromous | With only a single main vein visible. |
Hypogynous | The sepals, petals and stamens are inserted below the ovary. |
Imbricate | Having adjacent edges overlapping. Compare with valvate. |
Imparipinnate | Pinnate with a single terminal leaflet; see also paripinnate. |
Indehiscent | Dry fruits that do not split open to release seeds. |
Indeterminate | A growing pattern that allows for continuous growth in the same direction. For example, flowers at the base or outermost parts of the inflorescence open first, enabling continued new growth toward the apex. |
Indumentum | A covering of fine hairs. |
Inferior ovary | The ovary is situated below the calyx. See superior ovary. |
Inflorescence | A flower-bearing shoot that bears multiple flowers. |
Infundibuliform | Funnel-shaped, widening abruptly from a narrow cylindrical section. |
Internode | The section of the stem between the nodes. Plants can vary the intermodal length in response to amounts of sun or shade. In deep shade, internodes are lengthened. |
Interpetiolar stipules | Stipules situated between the two petioles of opposite leaves. This form is characteristic of stipules in many Rubiaceae species. See Intrapetiolar stipules. |